Premium Vending and Office Coffee Solutions



Bay Area Vending Machine OptionsVending programs

Get Connected to Exceptional Service!

If you're looking for a way to give your employees a boost during their workday, you'll want to take a look at the vending machine programs that SVS Vending has to offer the San Francisco Bay Area's businesses. We can provide you a choice of traditional snacks, healthy snacks, an array of beverages including hot beverage machines, fresh and frozen food machines that are available with free, subsidized, and paid vending options for you to choose from.



San Francisco, South San Francisco, San Mateo, Castro Valley, Hayward, Union City, Fremont, San Jose, Milpitas and Cupertino.Traditional Vending
We have several vending options for your business to choose from. The first option is called our traditional vending service, where your employees will pay the full price for the food or beverages we supply. There is no cost to you. All equipment is modern and reliable and the vending machines are placed at no charge to your company.

Subsidized Vending
Beyond the traditional vending program many of our customers have chosen to be "subsidy accounts." This simply means they subsidize the cost to lower the vended price to their employees. After stocking the vending machines and collecting the money, we'll invoice you monthly for the balance due. Also, the vending equipment is installed at no charge and we will restock all items on a regular basis.

Free Vending
Free Vend means your company pays the cost for the drinks, snacks, and anything else SVS Vending delivers at your request, which leaves the responsibility of the entire cost in the employer's hand. Subsidized and Free Vend do represent an added expense to the company, but many companies consider it an additional benefit that they offer their employees because it leads to higher morale and an increase in productivity.



Office Coffee Service and Water Filtration Service

Office Coffee Service - Offering your employees a hot beverage including an assortment of coffee and teas with all the supplies for your break room is a great benefit in the workplace. All of the brewing equipment is free of charge and will be routinely cleaned and serviced. We will also continually monitor your break room to make sure you are always fully stocked with all the necessary supplies.

Bottle Less Water Filtration Service - As a water filtration customer, you'll have access to our customer service department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, as part of our routine maintenance protocol, all filtration devices in your units will be replaced periodically by our service technicians.  



Our service area includes the entire San Francisco Bay Area including but not limited to: San Francisco, South San Francisco, San Mateo, Castro Valley, Hayward, Union City, Fremont, San Jose, Milpitas and Cupertino.



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Ten Questions to ask your Vending Company

  1. Does your vending company have liability Insurance?
  2. Are your vending company's employees covered by workers compensation?
  3. Is your vending company a full service company? Does it offer you soda, juices, water, snacks, coffee, meals and more?
  4. What is the condition of the vending equipment coming into your company?
  5. Is your vending company easy to contact? We have our 800 number on all of our equipment for immediate response to any request, question or problem.
  6. Are the prices your new vending company quoted guaranteed for a period of time or are they teaser rates just to get in the door.
  7. Does the contract you are going to sign have an out clause for bad service? Make sure they explain this to you or you could be stuck with bad service for a long period of time.
  8. Does your contract renew one month prior to the contract expiring. If so be careful or you will find you are locked into a contract for another 3 years.
  9. Does your vending company have a snack plan-a-gram that they have to follow?
  10. Can your vending company deliver after hours or on weekends if need be.

Running a vending business in New Hampshire is currently very expensive. For a vending company to offer cheap prices they might have to cut corners by not paying liability insurance or placing old equipment just to break even. Cutting corners can lead to frustrating problems for you down the road.

Make sure you do your homework before choosing a vending company. Just because you negotiate a low price doesn't mean you have a great deal.